Posts in Owners and Managers for Maintenance
HOA & Commercial Owners Associations

Owner Associations are unique and require specialized skill, knowledge and experience to operate in them effectively. Where do common areas and owner-maintained areas start and stop? What information should be communicated, to who and when? Should the maintenance team jump in and start fixing the problem or should they first determine whether the issue a common area or owner-maintained component? How does the decision affect property values, Board/Ownership relations and management objectives? These are just a few of the nuances an experienced maintenance management team needs to know how to navigate before just jumping into working with Associations.

The EBS team has worked as developers, property managers, owners, asset managers and Board members so we have a holistic understanding of this specialized environment. We’ll work together with you to build a maintenance, communication and reporting program that keeps you focused, informed and operating at your maximum potential and the property at its intended potential.

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