Building Maintenance Engineering

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We understand the role effective maintenance plays in preserving property value and keeping things operating and functioning at their optimum levels. Our specialists are highly trained and skilled in providing holistic preventative maintenance, quality repair work, and improvement upgrades.  


Building Maintenance Engineering

Our experienced building maintenance engineers use proven methods and systems to maintain real estate assets in ways that enhance value and promote stability. We customize application to ensure each property’s unique qualities are not overlooked.


Preventive Maintenance & Manuals

We offer detailed, comprehensive maintenance manuals for maintaining your assets and minimizing your risks. We tailor and systematize building maintenance programs to reduce premature failures, extend equipment life and decrease financial risk.

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Maintenance Management

Performing maintenance and managing maintenance are two different things. EBS does both. Planning, reviews, quality control, budget, inventory, information gathering and assessment, vendor management…EBS adds value by managing maintenance comprehensively.


Our Goals

EBS believes and works to ensure real estate assets operate in the way they were initially intended to. We believe property and asset managers are more effective in their areas of responsibility when the maintenance management company preserves the vision of the project by keeping mechanical, electrical, plumbing and other physical systems performing smoothly.

Let Us Help

The experts at EBS strive to create a tailored and systematized program that ensures the building and infrastructure is sound, future issues are minimized, property managers aren’t overburdened with maintenance issues, repair costs are minimal and legal liabilities are mitigated. Our technicians will perform preventive maintenance as well as repairs and improvement work. Choose EBS and experience the difference.


Whether the project is big or small, our team of seasoned specialists will bring the experience and knowledge to do the job right. We understand the unique needs of different properties and will work to keep your investment assets looking great and performing at their fullest potential. EBS supports your long term goals and will work to help you achieve them through the implementation of consistent, daily maintenance operations.